Week of April 24, 2023
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Date: Tuesday, April 25, 12:40 - 2 p.m.

自带午餐,欣赏由Dr. 凯利威克斯和“弹性和恢复公司”由博士. Tracey Benson. More information is available. 

Virtual link

Supporting Your Right to Know

Date: Tuesday, April 25, 3:30 - 5 p.m.

请参加我们的“支持你的知情权:信息获取”活动,这是庆祝联邦寄存图书馆计划成立66周年的活动, which distributes government information. 我们的主讲人,联邦调查局副局长妮可·西尼格将讨论《电子艺游网投官方网站》.


Date: Thursday, April 27, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Location: Dr. Richard Price Auditorium 


Tenth Annual EXPO Awards Ceremony on April 28

Date: Friday, April 28, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
地点:玛丽和约翰·格雷图书馆8楼Spindletop Room

请各位与本处共同祝贺第十届大学生研究与创意活动展览的得奖者. A buffet lunch will follow. 

Virtual link

Eclectic Collective

Date: Friday, April 28, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Location: Dishman Art Museum

这些高年级学生将在迪什曼艺术博物馆展出他们的毕业作品,展览将持续到5月13日. An opening reception will be on April 28. Admission is free.

Dance Unleashed Concert Set for April 28, 29

Date: Friday, April 28, and Saturday, April 29
Location: University Theatre

舞蹈释放:教师舞蹈音乐会特色十大电子游艺网站排行的学生公司的舞者在7:30.m. Friday, April 28, and 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Saturday, April 29. Jazz, modern, tap, contemporary, etc. will be featured. 音乐会将由LU舞蹈教师和肌肉记忆舞蹈剧院的客座艺术家Kiera Amison编舞. Purchase your tickets now.

Cultural Graduation Celebrations

日期:5月3日(星期三)- 5月11日(星期四)下午12点- 7点.m.

The Division of Diversity, “包容与社区关系”将举办六场文化毕业庆典,以纪念2023年5月的毕业生. 这些以身份为中心的庆祝活动将与大学毕业典礼相辅相成. 请和我们一起庆祝我们的学生的坚持和成就. More information is available.

Commencement Volunteers
Volunteers Needed for Commencement

日期:5月12日星期五,5月13日星期六上午10点.m. - 6 p.m.
Location: Montagne Center

毕业典礼工作人员参与了毕业典礼的每一个环节. 他们的参与对颁奖典礼的成功至关重要. 如果你有兴趣成为毕业典礼工作人员志愿者,请 contact us and indicate the ceremony you're available.

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LU Athletics Weekly Calendar
LU Athletics Weekly Calendar

Join us this week for LU Athletics events! The Coaches Luncheon is today, 明天是垒球双赛,然后星期五是我们的足球红白春季赛. We can't wait to see you there!

Student Film Showcase
Senior Film Students to Present Final Projects

Date: Friday, April 28, 5 - 8:30 p.m.
Location: Price Auditorium, John Gray Center

来自传播与媒体系的大四电影学生将向全体教员展示他们的最后一部短片, media professionals and the community. Admission is free.

A Resiliency Reader
Last Call for "A Resiliency Reader" Submissions

Deadline: Sunday, April 30, 11:59 p.m.

This is the last call for submissions. The Center for Resiliency is publishing a book of collected works from the Lamar community, including LIT, 拉马尔州立大学奥兰治分校和拉马尔州立大学亚瑟港分校. 我们接受诗歌、短篇小说、个人/学术论文和艺术作品. Tell us your story of resilience. Five submissions will be awarded $100 each.

Call for 2024 Study Abroad Course Proposals

Deadline: Thursday, June 1, 5 p.m.

如果你有兴趣在明年冬季或夏季学期在国外教一门课程, 留学办公室现在正在接受课程建议. 如果你错过了我们关于提交课程提案的研讨会,请联系 Tiffany Perkinz to schedule a meeting.


德克萨斯州要求十大电子游艺网站排行每年对其财产进行一次核查. 这是一项不小的任务,在125个部门分配了1万多笔资产. 待核查资产清单将于5月1日发送给各部门的财产管理人,截止日期为6月15日. More information is available.

Office of Student Aid Now on Social Media

The Office of Student Aid is now on Facebook and Instagram. 关注这些账户,了解经济援助、奖学金和退伍军人事务.

Ombuds Office Moves to CICE Building

The Ombuds Office 搬到了CICE大楼130室的新址. 这个新网站将为访问者提供更多的保密性. 办公室也有许多管理工作相关问题的资源. Feel free to come by and see what it offers.


Buckeye Partners, L.P. ("Buckeye") has funded $100,由十大电子游艺网站排行教授及博士领导的一项研究计划获拨款6万元,以继续及扩大该研究计划. Mariam Hamidi and Dr. 其中张静主要研究基于深度学习的缺陷分类与预测. 该研究项目最初是由中游管理与科学中心在其年度RFP研究计划下资助的.

New Travel Specialist

有关旅行的咨询,请联系蒂娜·布什 travel@olesyanazarova.com or (409) 880-8383. 

This Week in Rec Sports
This Week in Rec Sports

This week in Rec Sports

-最后一周的有氧自由搏击健身,上午11:30开始.m. - 12:20 p.m., Monday and Thursday. Hand in your bingo sheets to win prizes
- Last chance to climb the wall 
- 8- and 9-ball tournament from 4 - 8 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and pickleball

Get Publicity

Have something to share? Submit your good news (e.g.,活动,出版物,教师研究,奖励,部门祝贺,赠款等.),营销传播办公室将通过电子邮件将消息发布出去, web, social media and more. 

所有批准的公告必须在周四下午3点前收到.m. 将包括在下周的校园更新.

LU News, April 17-23

国家期刊发表高级英语教师资格证学生Margo Eugenio的研究项目




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